Pukenui School offer students a range of sport; school based and in the community.
Pukenui School Sports Page
Welcome to sport at Pukenui School. Information about current team sports will be updated on this page for you to refer to. If you need further information contact Dorothy Carr as the first point of contact for inquiries. She can be reached at or at the school office 07 878 7727.
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to assist in coaching, managing and supporting sports teams. Without support sports cannot be offered.
The school will provide practical support and guidance for volunteers when needed to fulfill their role.
A variety of team sports will be offered for all students to participate in.
All players fees must be paid before the season commences.
Return forms with parent/caregivers permission is required for all sports teams representing Pukenui School. These forms are sent home with students, available at the school office and are available online.
All players must wear their relevant team uniform with pride.
New enrolled students and students who have missed team selections will be added to teams should their be available space in teams.
All Pukenui children, coaches and supporters will adhere to the Pukenui School Code of Conduct at all times. Failure to adhere to this Fairplay code will result in a warning in the first instance and suspension from the team or coaching position if the behaviour of the child, coach or parent spectator is repeated.